When Reverend Alabaster Armstrong finds evil lurking in Ocean Towns dark and stormy nights, he and his friend Chief Detective Spaniel Hunter, along with FBI Director Samuel Adem, begin their probe into the mystery surrounding an optical band, which l...
Eight million dollars have been stolen, and the only woman Reverend Alabaster Armstrong has ever loved may be in danger. Across the lands of the Basala Mpasu and the pygmy stalking grounds of the Congo come Alabaster and his army of Christians to res...
...The water churned red with blood, and the Loony Man floated up on his back. The monstrous shark came up also, floating on its back, its belly ripped from head to tail and its insides streaming out. Just when life at the Sanctuary Mission is settli...
Reverend Alabaster Armstrong and his little band of crusaders watched the great walls of Sanctuary Mission sink slowly into the distance. Soon they would be living in hobo jungles and boxcars surrounded by menacing men who would kill within a moment ...
In the fifth and final installment of the Alabaster Armstrong Mystery series, Alabaster, his new wife, Helen, and the rest of the Sanctuary Crusaders find themselves in a deadly race to find the highly sought-after ancient relic, Goliath's sword, bef...