Both familiar and fantastic, Clark T. Carlton’s Prophets of the Ghost Ants explores a world in which food, weapons, clothing, art -- even religious beliefs -- are derived from Humankind’s profound intertwining with the insect world. In a s...
The powerful Antasy saga continues with The Prophet of the Termite God! Once an outcast, Pleckoo has risen to Prophet-Commander of the Hulkrish army. But a million warriors and their ghost ants were not enough to defeat his cousin, Anand the Roac...
Nothing compares to the Antasy Saga, a highly original series set in a distant future where humans have evolved to the size of insects and intertwined with their world. Book One, Prophets of the Ghost Ants, was named a Best of the Year by Kirkus Revi...
Nothing compares to the Antasy Saga, a highly original series set in a distant future where humans have evolved to the size of insects and intertwined with their world. Book One, Prophets of the Ghost Ants, was named a Best of the Year by Kirkus Revi...