In this heartfelt and accessible middle grade novel perfect for fans of The Thing About Jellyfish, a young girl throws herself into solving a local mystery to keep from missing her older sister, who has been sent to an eating disorder treatment facil...
In this timely, call-to-action contemporary middle grade novel from Claire Swinarski, author of What Happens Next, a twelve-year-old girl must face herself, and the truth, after her participation in a bullying incident goes viral. Kate McAllister...
ALA Notable Children's BookRegional Indie BestsellerAudie Award WinnerEdgar Award NomineeCybils Award NomineeYALSA Best Fiction for Young AdultsNew York Public Library Best Book of the YearChicago Public Library Best of the BestAmazon Best Book of th...
Armed with a Crock-Pot and a pile of recipes, a grandmother, her granddaughter, and a mysterious young man work to bring a community together in this uplifting novel for readers of The Chicken Sisters.Esther Larson has been cooking for funerals in th...
Set at a camp over the course of six summers, this novel dives into the falling-out of two girls from different backgrounds who thought they'd be friends forever...until a production of Wicked brings all their buried issues to the surface. Claire Swi...