The first of three digital-only short story collections from teacher and frequent contributor to the New York Times Claire Needell, about coming of age in contemporary America. These refreshing stories are written with humor, honesty, and without jud...
The second of three digital-only short story collections from teacher and writer for The New Yorker Claire Needell, about coming of age in contemporary America. These original stories are refreshingly honest, poignant, and humorous. This outstandi...
The third of three digital-only short story collections from Claire Needell, teacher and frequent contributor to the New York Times, about coming of age in contemporary America. These original stories are refreshingly honest, poignant, and humorous. ...
At once honest and touching, Claire Needell's debut novel is a moving look at date rape and its aftermath, at the love and conflicts among sisters and friends, and how these relationships can hold us together -- and tear us apart. The gap between ...
Claire Needell’s evocative novel, perfect for fans of The Girl on the Train, explores the risks of substance abuse as well as what it means to take control of your life when it seems like the only path forward is the one that will take all of your ...