Don't miss the page-turning sequel, Blood of Troy! In this thrilling reimagining of ancient Greek mythology, a headstrong girl becomes the most powerful fighter her people have ever seen. Seventeen-year-old Daphne has spent her entire life honing her...
The sequel to Daughter of Sparta thrusts warrior Daphne and her love interest, the Olympian god Apollo, into the middle of the Trojan War in this epic YA fantasy reimagining of Greek mythology. A year after saving the powers of Olympus by defe...
The heart-pounding conclusion to the Daughter of Sparta series forces Daphne to face her past, her deepest fears, and an enemy who can defeat even the all-powerful gods of Olympus in this epic reimagining of classic Greek mythology, for fans of Lore....
Perfect for fans of Stalking Jack the Ripper, this historical murder mystery follows the cunning Irene Adler as she teams up with mysterious Sherlock Holmes to discover who is murdering Oxford's elite students in the All Souls class. Irene Adler ...