In the media-saturated world of this post-modern novel, the lines between reality and virtual reality are blurred. A boy nicknamed Garbage Head, the inevitable product of this world, has developed the ability to predict what those on TV and the radio...
In Alphabreaths, children will learn their ABCs and the basics of mindfulness through playful breathing exercises. Breaths like Mountain Breath and Redwood Breath will connect them with nature, while breaths like Heart Breath and Wish Breath will ...
Learn the power of mindful breathing through the fun and interactive exercises in this book. With The Breathing Book, young readers discover the power of mindful awareness through a series of breathing practices and engaging activities designed ...
An interactive book for children to discover mindfulness and feel more connected to the world around us.In The In-Between Book, authors Christopher Willard and Olivia Weisser invite children to mindfully interact with the book and with the world arou...
Amazon Best of the Month PickWhen Green arrives in a crayon box as a present to a little girl, he has no idea of the impact he will have on her life in small but profound and meaningful ways.The Life of a Crayon is a colorful story (ages 4-8) ab...