"I asked the sailor what an Elephant looked like; he replied that it was like nothing on earth." England, 1766: After a long voyage from the East Indies, a ship docks in Bristol, England, and rumor quickly spreads about its unusual cargo--some say...
When Thandi Dladla undertakes to coach a young soccer team in a rural school in South Africa she little realizes how it will change her life. When levelling the terrain to make a field she discovers two skeletons which reveal how ninety percent of pe...
Assembled from stories written over a period of twenty years, No Sacred Cows offers an opportunity to engage with moral matters through wry humour and a careful understanding of the difficulties faced in seeing justice come to pass, be that in the co...
Assembled from stories written over a period of twenty years, No Sacred Cows offers an opportunity to engage with moral matters through wry humour and a careful understanding of the difficulties faced in seeing justice come to pass, be that in the co...
A heart-warming story about a tiny firefly who loses its glow. He tries so hard to fit in but without his glow his friends don't want to play with him anymore. Luckily, firefly finds a tiny red ant who provides him with lots of wisdom to help him see...