A man goes in search of the Roman poet Ovid, banished to the end of the world. He finds that Ovid's personality and stories have undergone a sea-change, and have fragmented themselves into lots of clues - people, bizarre events, odd stretches of land...
A man attempts to explain the disappearance of an Italian explorer in the Arctic in 1981 by reconstructing an Austrian expedition of a century before and, in the process, dispels many cherished notions about heroism...
From Christoph Ransmayr, whose brilliant rise to preeminence among the younger generation of writers in the German language was recently crowned when he shared with Salman Rushdie Europe's most prestigious new literary award, the Aristeion Prize--a n...
In a publishing world that is all too full of realist novels written in undistinguished prose, discernible only by their covers, The Flying Mountain stands out -- if for no other reason than that it consists entirely of blank verse. And that form is ...
A suspenseful novel that delves into the complexities of a father-son relationship and the timeless themes of guilt and forgiveness.A longboat plummets over the Great Falls, drowning the five passengers on board. The Lockmaster, the heir to an ancien...