A mysterious terrorist organization has carried out several attacks against the Federation and Klingon Empire. Tensions are running high in a region already crippled by conflict. The perpetrators are tracked to the Lembatta Cluster, a mysterious regi...
The Federation races to discover the culprits of several terrorist attacks, sending their flagship, the USS Prometheus, to stop war breaking out in the galaxy.A dangerous evil is flourishing in the Alpha Quadrant. In the Lembatta Cluster, a curious r...
The Federation races to discover the culprits of several terrorist attacks, sending their flagship, the USS Prometheus, to stop war breaking out in the galaxy.The situation in the Lembatta Cluster is deteriorating rapidly. Fleets from the Federation ...
The Naats begin their onslaught, but the Topsidians prove worthy opponents, and the cost of the resulting battle is staggering. Meanwhile, the Tosoma’s crew attempts an escape with the help of their captor, Toreead. Will they be able to bridge the ...