The debut volume in an ongoing series of historical adventures focusing on the various branches of the fictional Crogan Family Tree. In CROGAN'S VENGEANCE, "Catfoot" Crogan is an able-bodied mariner plying his trade for a dastardly "legitimate" capta...
When Legionnaire Peter Crogan loses a friend and comrade to a violent sand storm, he is forced to confront some hard questions. Should he wait out the rapidly approaching end of his five-year term of service with the French Foreign Legion, or should ...
Coyote is awfully hungry! Can he trick Bear into giving him his lunch? Or fool the prairie dogs into inviting him to their feast? But if Coyote''s not careful, HE could end up on the menu! In these Native American Coyote tales, YOU decide what hap...
Fox is enjoying a nice day at the marketplace, until her big cousin Roxy starts causing trouble. How can a little fox beat a giant bully? She'll need to plan the perfect prank! In these Japanese Fox tales, YOU get to decide who the trickster trick...
Monkey is searching for adventure! Can he learn how to fly on a cloud? Will he defeat a fearsome monster? Maybe he can become a brave sailor -- but if he’s not careful, he might wind up the prisoner of pirates! In these Chinese Monkey tales, YOU...
Rabbit thinks he's the cleverest animal in the forest. But can he prove that to Fox, Gator, and Bear? Rabbit needs to pull the best trick of all, without getting caught . . . or eaten! In these African American Rabbit tales, YOU decide what happen...
Raven is cold and hungry. Can she trick her cousin Crow into feeding her snacks? Or can she sneak some fish away from a pair of pelicans? She’ll have to keep away from sleeping giants and mean beavers if she wants to taste a single bite! In thes...
Spider wants to be a police captain! Can he capture the evil Blacksnake and show the town he’s a hero? Maybe he can stop Lion from stealing the other animals’ food―but if he’s not careful, he might wind up in Lion’s belly! In these West ...
“Schweizer's limber figures and quick jabs of slapstick goofing give this graphic novel a deceptively light veneer, even as life-and-death matters are unfolding. It's no easy feat to combine a high-energy historical advent...
Chris Schweizer's award-winning historical adventure series returns in this new FULL COLOR edition of The CROGAN ADVENTURES: CATFOOT'S VENGEANCE. When "Catfoot" Crogan becomes the new favorite of an infamous pirate captain whose crew he was forced to...
In Pumpkins County, weird things happen every day, but nobody ever makes a fuss. Nobody, that is, except the Creeps: Carol, a big-city girl new to Pumpkins County, who finds kindred spirits in Mitchell (monster expert), Jarvis (military brat with log...
Chris Schweizer's award-winning historical adventure series returns in this new full color edition of Last of the Legion. Peter Crogan's stint with the French Foreign Legion is nearing its end, but before he can hang up his kepi he'll have to survive...
In Pumpkins County, monster attacks are a common enough occurrence, but when Jarvis is attacked by an invisible monster, the Creeps know they’ve found their next case. Through Mitchell’s extensive monster expertise, the gang identifies the culpri...
Goosebumps meets NERDS meets Scooby Doo in this graphic novel mystery series about the power of misfits. The Creeps are in trouble, again. When rule breaking during one of their investigations lands the detectives in “service detention,” the four...
With no wind to fill the sails of the Black Pearl, Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew find themselves stuck in Port Royal. Jack knows of an ancient object rumored to call up the wind, but getting their hands on it won’t be easy.
Return to t...
Maker Comics is the ultimate DIY guide. Inside this graphic novel you'll find illustrated instructions for ten car repair activities! Lena, Mason, Abner, Rocky, and Esther only have one thing in common: They’re crazy about cars. A few of them al...
In History Comics: The Roanoke Colony, Chris Schweizer separates fact from fiction and uncovers the secrets of one of America's most puzzling mysteries.
Over a hundred years before the pilgrims, the very first English settlers arrived on Roa...