Chris Mentillo presents...a superb Victorian supernatural horror tale --taken from his short story collection, "Tales of Horror" series! This riveting tale will take you into a very old, dark, and eerie dwelling, where the past does not equal the fut...
Chris Mentillo presents...a superb supernatural horror tale --taken from his short story collection, "Tales of Horror" series: An "unhappy heiress" tries to find eternal solitude by turning back towards her childhood to cure her present psychological...
Chris Mentillo Presents...Weird Tales of Horror, "Stories From The Dead." Vol. 1 From the Master's of Horror themselves, this new anthology compilation of 12 chilling supernatural horror stories, (500 pages long) will lift you off your feet, and lite...
"Imagine the perfect place where there is little if any crime, a safe haven jam-packed with welcoming neighbors, a profusion of popular sports to partake in, plenty of stimulating recreational activities everyone can enjoy, white picket fences, prist...