Once upon a time, in a world of super heroes and villains, there lived a team of animals that saved the universe...and no one knew it. These creatures asked not for fortune or fame, merely to help the humans that pet them. But a new threat to the wor...
As innovative and fun as the show that inspired them, Board Comics are comics for the youngest comic fans! Cartoonist and YO GABBA GABBA! animator Chris Eliopoulos take DJ Lance, Muno, Brobee, Toodee, Foofa, and Plex out for a round of the best new g...
Basic Truth: It's very hard to protect the earth when you've been turned into a frog. The Pet Avengers Return! Good thing, too, cuz dragons have decided that it's time to take over the world and oppress the silly humans once and for all!!! And since ...
Good morning! Welcome to Okie Dokie Donuts. Run by pastry pioneer and cunning culinarian, Big Mama! Okie Dokie Donuts is the best little donut shop in town! What's her secret? Big Mama rolls in a heaping serving of love into each of her hand made cre...
Desperate questions make reluctant alliances! Garruk the Wildspeaker agrees to work with the woman who once cursed himâ€"Liliana Vess! Together, they must find Isona Maive before she finds an even more dangerous ally than Marit Lage or Tezzeret! Wi...
Desperate Times follows the story of two 20-somethings trying to make it in life despite all odds. A comic strip-style collection featuring the work by the Eisner and Harvey nominated Franklin Richards: Son of a Genius creator Chris Eliopoulos!...
Your favorite superhero is back and better than ever! Mr. Puzzle is on double-duty protecting Busyville. A zombie rock band is giving everyone the blues, a submarine ride is spoiled by a giant jellyfish bully, a lazy bed bug won't check out of his ho...
With his incredible powers, Mr. Puzzle can stretch, bend, shrink, grow, and will work hard to keep the folks of Busyville safe from trouble. What a nice guy! Mr. Puzzle, a superhero who's a perfect fit for all problems. ...
With his incredible powers, Mr. Puzzle can stretch, bend, shrink, grow, and will work hard to keep the folks of Busyville safe from trouble. What a nice guy! Mr. Puzzle, a superhero who's a perfect fit for all problems. ...
Does Mr. Puzzle ever take a day off? Third time is a charm for Busyville's most popular superhero. A giant elephant guy stampedes through the streets, a carnival clown turns kids into bubbles, an exercise robot looses control, and Mr. Puzzle's greate...
Busyville is a mess! Citizens have their hands full juggling terrible traffic jams, a haunted middle school, a muddy monster laughing in a Laundromat, and a thief with sticky glue hands is running loose. But don't worry, loyal readers! An exciting, n...
Mr. Puzzle never gives up! Protecting Busyville is a full-time job for our favorite superhero. A leaping lizard gang is taking over the museum, a tricky cat is after Mr. Puzzle's sock, a wild scientist is making it snow in the summer, and a confused ...
It's all-out action and excitement as the webbed wonder does battle with the Frightful Four - and takes his first step to becoming the ultimate Spider-Man! Then, Spidey takes on the gamma-spawned strength of the Hulk...and the electrical power of Zzz...
On a case with special guest stars the Fantastic Four, Avengers Mansion becomes a target for the diabolical Doctor Doom and his minions - and Earth's Mightiest Heroes must take their most drastic stand! Then, Iron Man tackles the terrible Technovore,...
In this graphic novel adventure for readers of Hilo and Roller Girl, a pair of twin brothers accidentally bring their favorite video game to life -- and now they have to find a way to work together to defeat it. Jeremy and Justin are twins, but t...
In this funny, action-packed graphic novel adventure, a science-obsessed girl finds herself in the middle of one of her favorite monster movies. Can she invent her way out of disaster while also saving the monster who has become her friend? Zoe's ...
Kids will be giggling through their own yawns as they enjoy this contagiously adorable bedtime story by the New York Times bestselling illustrator of the Ordinary People Change the World books.Two best friends have big plans for their sleepover. They...
A couple of friends can't keep from laughing during class on the first day of school, in this companion to The Yawns Are Coming from the illustrator of the Ordinary People Change the World series!Two best friends are so excited to go back to school. ...
From Spider-Man to Loki, and more faces in between, these kid-friendly stories put the action, adventure, and fun of big budget Hollywood in the palm of your hand.Discover the secret histories of the Marvel heroes you love and the villains you love t...
Emotions can be unruly, as kids will discover in this funny, conversation-starting book by the bestselling illustrator of Ordinary People Change the World.Tommy’s favorite toy is missing, and so is his Happiness. In fact, he has gotten a little Wor...
Collects Lockjaw And The Pet Avengers #1-4 And Lockjaw And The Pet Avengers Unleashed #1-4. Pet Avengers assemble! And there came a day, a day unlike any other, when Earth's mightiest heroes were…totally unaware of a threat greater than all of them...
While on a playdate with an outgoing new friend, a nervous hedgehog finds the courage to use his imagination, in this lively, funny picture book by the New York Times bestselling illustrator of Ordinary People Change the World.It doesn’t take much ...