Jake is a trainee Jump Pilot and war is rife in the galaxy...The Sentinels are very sensitive about a region of space, light years from their territorial boundaries. They are guided by the Betanica Sect, who seek to protect the galaxy and in particul...
Book 3 in the Alpha One series. The Kryl occupy Earth and humans are dying... in their millions. The final part of the first Alpha One Trilogy brings the Kryl and Alpha together in a desperate battle spreading light years across the cosmos. The only ...
Unlucky Bastard is the story about an adolescent boy growing up on the west side of Chicago surrounded by negative influences. He has to learn to cope with having very little and needing a lot, such as food, clothing, and oftentimes stability in hous...
In this romantic suspense ,Trisha finds herself caught in a difficult situation when a homeless man starts to treat her better than her husband. Trisha's husband Micheal has shown many signs that could possibly conclude that he is cheating and he doe...