In a novel evoking the political and pastoral landscapes of tenth-century Europe, Aileran, an Irish monk whose love of God is shaken by his love of a woman, writes to the Pope, who considers Aileran a heretic...
In the year 998 A.D., the Apocalypse is believed imminent. Strengthened by a fearful populace, the Church is seeking to harness a decaying Holy Roman Empire by asserting its absolute authority in interpreting the will of God. Aileran, a monk perceive...
When Frank, an Irish dwarf, writes a personal memoir, he moves from dark isolation into the public eye. This luminous journey is marked by memories of his lonely childhood, secrets of his doomed young mother, and his passion for a woman who is as unr...
Frank Bois, a forty-three-year-old dwarf living in Cork, Ireland, has just penned his poignant autobiography, revealing his fascination with the stars, his love for an unattainable woman, and the story of his haunting, lonely life....
Years ago, noted science teacher and writer Chet Raymo embarked upon his own quest to reconcile the miracle stories he learned as a child with the science he learned as an adult. Skeptics and True Believers is the culmination of that search-a passion...
Set against the backdrop of World War II and growing racial tension in Tennessee, the novel Chattanooga finds Mamie Buffon, her seven daughters, two son-in-laws, granddaughter, bed-ridden brother, and two black housekeepers packed together in a highl...