“Lauren Beukes meets Neil Gaiman” in this twisted urban fantasy about a high school rebel, his bounty hunter companion, and their high-stakes adventures through Cape Town's supernatural underworld (WIRED) Baxter Zevcenko’s life is pretty...
The world has been massively unappreciative of sixteen-year-old Baxter Zevcenko. His bloodline may be a combination of ancient Boer mystic and giant shape-shifting crow, and he may have won an inter-dimensional battle and saved the world, but does an...
Baxter Zevcenko is jou gewone sestienjarige. Dis nou te sê as gewone sestienjariges ’n sindikaat bedryf en moontlik ook ’n reeksmoordenaar is wat vreemde drome oor die geskiedenis kry. Baxter stem saam dat hy nie ’n gawe ou is ...