In the fall of 1941, as Japan enlists the aid of the Nazis in its plan to bomb Pearl Harbor, a skilled Nazi saboteur is dispatched to destroy the Panama Canal and America's chances of reinforcing its damaged Pacific fleet...
Within the sewers that lie below 19th century London, there lurk a great many evils what crave the flesh of Man. This is of the tale from a Tosher who encountered such evils and lived to write of it, an affair that haunted him for all his days. ...
This steamy novel follows a romance that blossoms between two veterans turned police officers. Murder charges and scars from military service threaten to unravel everything they've built together. The worlds of Jen Kowalski, a U.S. Navy veteran suffe...
Enter a world of bravery, honor, love, loss, despair, and betrayal. The world of Bird Wars takes place from the perspective of a Stellar Jay named Brave who vows to protect his family from the ongoing war with the Crows. Follow his journey as he make...