Part romance, part adventure yarn, part horror story, a novel about a boy and his friend growing up in a mythical Southern town draws on the most fantastic elements in the traditions of the Southern novel...
A comedy, a tragedy. Threadgill Pickett, veteran of the Civil War, breaks out from an Alabama old folks home and starts a quest northward to kill the last living Union Soldier. This is to avenge his brother, who was needlessly killed by Union soldier...
"Soldiers of a Foreign War" presents the Vietnam War in all its conflicted complexity. It is told from the enlisted soldiers' perspective and deals with the American and Vietnamese's, North and South, all teenagers, experiences as they leave their...
In a Dark Wood is a novel of the civil war battle that has come to be called The Battle of the Wilderness. Fought in early May, 1864, it was a contest between the legendary Southern general, Robert E. Lee and the relatively unknown Union general, Uly...