An action-packed, epic space adventure, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy tells the story of a group of cosmic misfits--Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot--who band together to protect a mysterious orb against Ronan, a po...
The next evolution of the Marvel Cinematic Universe brings a founding member of The Avengers to the big screen for the first time with Marvel Studios' "Ant-Man." Armed with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, mast...
A storybook based on the new movie, Marvel's Doctor Strange. Stephen Strange was once a brilliant but arrogant surgeon who finds hope and healing from a powerful mystic. ...
This is an exciting storybook based on the epic new movie, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. ...
A leveled reader based on the web-slinging teenaged hero in MARVEL's Spider-Man: Homecoming! ...