The Unity Sphere, an alliance of worlds making a stand against the organized crime blighting the starlanes, breathed a sigh of relief when terrorist mastermind Hetz and his organization, the Black Diamond, Perished in a Unity Fleet assault. Despite o...
For centuries, the League of Cells and the Witches Guild have worked together to maintain order and stability across the countless worlds of the overweb.Walking the path of a warden for the League of Cells requires dedication, sacrifice, and devotion...
For centuries, the league of Cells and the Witches Guild have worked together to maintain order and stability across the overweb's countless worlds. Young Maels Raptori stands to fulfill his dream of serving as warden, until a powerful intruder nearl...
Miles knows he is not human, but he cannot remember who or what he is, where he's from, or who put the odd metallic gauntlets on his arms. With clear memories limited to the last five years, he knows only who his human friends are and that it is his ...
Since escaping Earth, Warden Maels Raptori has established the Guild Guard as a force for good in the overweb. His organization works closely with the Witches Guild to safeguard their covens and sisters. When the Guild asks Warden Maels to help with ...
The Guild Guard serves the Witches Guild by protecting its sisters and crushing witchblood harvests perpetrated by the Nassara, who use the stolen blood to make themselves a greater threat. After decades of war, the Nassara finally appear to be in fu...