Perfect for fans of Raina Telgemeier, Awkward, and All's Faire in Middle School, this graphic novel follows a neighborhood of kids who transform ordinary cardboard into fantastical homemade costumes as they explore conflicts with friends, family, and...
For fans of Svetlana Chmakova's Awkward and Raina Telgemeier's Smile comes an inventive new story from Cardboard Kingdom creator Chad Sell about a group of young artists who must work together when one of their own creations becomes a monster.Drew is...
Perfect for fans of Raina Telgemeier and All's Faire in Middle School, this sequel to the Eisner Award-nominated The Cardboard Kingdom follows the kids as they solve the mystery of a new neighborhood monster.A mystery is afoot in the Cardboard Kingdo...
Drew and her mischievous doodles are back -- and planning a heist-in-reverse at the Art Institute of Chicago -- in the sequel to Doodleville, which Lincoln Peirce calls “a masterpiece.”Drew never meant for this to happen. She didn’t mean for he...
The kids of the Cardboard Kingdom go on a new adventure! This time, they are in search of new friends -- but what they discover is a lot more like enemies...It’s winter break in the Cardboard Kingdom, and kids from the town across the park want to ...