In this fascinating historical novel, twelve-year-old Jolene travels back in time to the year 1903 and finds herself in the coal mining town of Frank on the eve of Canada’s deadliest rockslide. Disguised as a boy, Jolene must face the wrath of a...
Twelve-year-old Jolene is determined to find independence from her brother, Michael, during a family trip to research the Halifax explosion of 1917 for her father's Museum of Disasters. When her grandfather finds a time crease into the past, Jole...
This historical time-travel novel, for children ten and up, is the third volume in Cathy Beveridge’s ongoing series on Canadian disasters. Once again we meet Jolene and her twin brother Michael, this time in an RV on the shores of the Great Lake...
Seamlessly shifting between the tensions of competitive hockey and corporate malpractice in the oil and gas industry in Alberta, Beveridge_s newest novel is a contemporary gem. Over the years, Sean has ...
Tragic Links is award-winning author Cathy BeveridgeÂ's fourth young adult novel focusing on Canadian disasters. This time Jolene and her family find themselves in Quebec where JoleneÂ's father is conducting research for his Museum of Disasters. W...
Four delinquent teens are inadvertently pulled into a criminal investigation that challenges their deepest values and misconceptions. Poor choices land four outlier teens in summer-time mandatory community service. Deemed good-for-nothing by those wh...