Living in a perfect world, thirteen-year-old Iyzebel, knows nothing of the evil that lurks behind the facade. In a single night, her life changes, and a new Hell begins when a demon chooses her to be his prophet. Detailing the demise of the girl, and...
The Requiem of Humanity series is now combined into one volume! Stolen Senior year was supposed to be all about fun, boys, and preparing for the rest of their lives. Instead, best friends, Jenda and Soborgne are kidnapped and held captive by Belle an...
Filled with hate for a humanity that turned its back on her, Iyzebel has accepted her fate as a demon convert with relish. On the verge of orchestrating a human culling that will wipe out most of humanity with her creator, the greater demon Ashur, Iz...
Step into the realm of the fairies, where darkness and light come together to create a world full of mischief and magic. A place where pixie dust and brownie favors are often counter balanced by the sinister temptations and mad schemes of the darker ...
Madness is a state of frenzied or chaotic activity, and that is what you will find inside the pages of ‘As Mad as a Hatter’. Walk the path of Lady Death, feel the power of freedom, fall in love, and fear the dark corners of the room with these tw...
The rules were simple: wind the clocks, never reset the clocks, and never interfere. The punishments were clear. Failure to follow the Keeper’s laws meant death for the human and an eternity of pain in the pits of Sheol for the Keeper. Amara has be...
In this twisted story about a girl, a boy, and the devil himself, thirteen lives are lived, twelve deaths are mourned, and only one last chance remains. Nineteen-year-old Vega Williams struggles against the pull and promise of death as her protector ...