Catherine Doyle's stunning middle-grade debut, an evocative tale of ancient magic, bravery, and family bonds. When Fionn Boyle sets foot on Arranmore Island, it begins to stir beneath his feet. Once in a generation, the island chooses a new Sto...
"Fans of Harry Potter or Percy Jackson can add Fionn Boyle as a generous and brave hero from the Emerald Isle." â€" School Library Connection on The Storm Keeper's Island
There is magic deep within Arranmore Island, and Fionn B...
'An absolute Christmas cracker!' Ross MontgomeryWhen George stumbles across Marley's Curiosity Shop, he finds a mysterious and magical snow globe. George and his Scrooge of a dad are soon swept on an incredible adventure to Christmases past, present ...
In the thrilling conclusion to the acclaimed Storm Keeper's Island series, evil sorceress Morrigan rises, and Fionn and his friends must use their wits to save Arranmore Island's future.
"Fans of Harry Potter or Percy Jackson c...
A high-stakes fantasy rom-com about twin princesses separated at birth -- one raised as the crown princess, and the other taken as an infant and raised to kidnap her sister, steal the crown, and avenge the parents' murders -- the first novel in a new...
'The Lost Girl King echoes Lord of the Rings and Narnia, whilst being original and fresh. It's sure to become a classic of its own' - Aisha Bushby, author of A Pocketful of Stars
'A glorious gulp of a summer adventure' ...
The second book in the swoony and high-stakes fantasy rom-com series that began with Twin Crowns, about twin princesses separated at birth -- from bestselling authors Catherine Doyle and Katherine Webber.Twin queens Wren and Rose have claimed their c...
'Utterly brilliant. Sensationally swashbuckling. Completely magical' â€" A.F Steadman, author of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief
From the award-winning author of The Storm Keeper's Island, set sail on Catherine Doyle's latest...
The final book in the swoony and high-stakes fantasy rom-com trilogy that began with Twin Crowns, about twin princesses separated at birth -- from bestselling authors Catherine Doyle and Katherine Webber.Twin queens Rose & Wren survived the Battl...
In the dark underbelly of a beautiful city, two rival assassins are pitted against each other in a deadly game of revenge, where the most dangerous mistake of all is falling in love in this searing young adult fantasy.In Fantome, a kingdom of cobbled...
Humour and horror abound in Catherine Doyle's brand new series, as step-siblings Ted and Frankie defend their new home-turned-hotel against a collection of unruly spiritsTed would rather be anywhere but living in the same house as Frankie spawn-of-th...