Taran Elijah s quest for knowledge uncovers a plot that threatens the world In Albia, the fourth realm, the precious Artesan gift is dying. Although born to the craft, Taran is struggling to achieve his potential. Against his friends advice, he em...
Book Description: After surviving brutal torture and escaping from Lord Rykan’s dungeons, Major Sullyan is trapped in Andaryon, too injured to cross the Veils. Slowly dying and determined to find some purpose in the shattered remains of her life, s...
"One of the best fantasy books I've ever read. The balance between background story and action is just perfect. I'm very glad I found this author. You won't want to miss this series!" ~Denyse Cohen, author of Witch's Soulmate, Book 1 of the Living En...
Friend against friend, lover against lover, ally against ally. Conflict is coming … Nine months have passed since Brynne Sullyan helped forge an alliance between the realms of Albia and Andaryon. A fragile peace reigns as both sides recover from th...
The Artesans of Albia series, endorsed by Janet E. Morris;The Sacred Band of Stepsons novels; Outpassage; I, The Sun.These nesting novels are evocative, hauntingly real. Smart. Powerful. Compelling. Start reading now. I, for one, can't wait to find o...
Pure evil rises once again in Albia… Three years have passed since Baron Reen’s trial. A terrible accident on the island of his exile has transformed him into a nightmarish scarecrow creature with dark, mysterious powers. Staging his own suicide,...
A city besieged by evil… Secure in his stolen stronghold, Baron Reen continues to sow chaos in Albia’s capital. Nowhere is safe from his malice and the King’s Guard is powerless to stop him. Crucial pieces of his plan are falling into place and...
The scarecrow’s evil knows no bounds … Robin’s fate plunges Brynne Sullyan into despair. With vengeance her only desire, she races to the scarecrow’s lair in Bordenn. But Reen’s power is greater than she knows, and his trap is cunningly set...