Conrad and Rose met as children, fell in love as teenagers, and married young. Conrad earned a living as a gilder, raised homing pigeons, and worshipped Rose. Rose gardened. They lived together for more than fifty years, and then Rose died. At sevent...
Carrie Brown's triumphant first novel, Rose's Garden, garnered high praise from the critics for its "simple, beautiful language," and for "plumbing the emotional depths of ordinary human beings." Just a year later, she does it again. Lamb in Love is ...
Collects short tales of people attempting to discover their place in the world, with settings including a widow's empty kitchen and neglected backyard, a house on the Rhode Island seaside, and a museum in a small Spanish village. Reprint....
A refugee from Vienna and the war in Europe, Arthur Henning is comfortable in his new life as a chauffeur for a New York banker and his family, but his complacency is thrown into turmoil when he is ordered to drive Aggie, the daughter of the family, ...
The Rope Walk brings us the dazzling story of a pivotal summer in the life of Alice, a redheaded tomboy and motherless girl who is beloved and protected by her five older brothers and her widower father, a professor of Shakespeare. On Memorial Day, a...
Ruth and Peter have been married more than fifty years. He is the headmaster of the Derry School, a boys’ boarding school in Maine; she has spent the four decades of her husband's tenure helping out wherever she is needed. But Peter’s retirement ...
Caroline, known as “Lina” to her family, has always lived in the shadow of her older brother William Herschel’s accomplishments. And yet when William invites Lina to join him in England to assist in his musical and astronomical pursuits -- not ...