The first installment in a series of medieval medical mysteries features Isaac, a blind Jewish physician in fourteenth-century Spain, who steps into the path of a plot to destroy the monarchy while the plague rages across Europe. Original....
In medieval Spain, the blind Jewish physician Isaac of Girona is revered for his skill as a healer. But it's Isaac's uncanny sense for what is fair and what is foul that proves to be the remedy in times of trouble... Girona, Spain, 1353. Isaac is ...
In medieval Spain, the blind Jewish physician Isaac of Girona is revered for his skill as a healer. But it's Isaac's uncanny sense for what is flair and what is foul that proves to be the remedy in times of trouble... Girona, Spain, 1354. His Exce...
In medieval Spain, the blind Jewish physician, Isaac of Girona, is revered for his skill as a healer. But it's Isaac's uncanny sense for what is fair and what is foul that proves to be the remedy in times of trouble... Girona, Spain, 1354. As a sc...
In medieval Spain, the blind Jewish physician, Isaac of Girona, is revered for his skill as a healer. But it's Isaac's uncanny sense for what is fair and what is foul that proves to be the remedy in times of trouble... In 1354, Isaac's young prote...
Blind Jewish physician Isaac of Girona travels to northern Catalonia to heal an injured man. But the real cure requires uncovering the danger that surrounds him... Isaac has been invited to Perpignan for two reasons: to attend the wedding of his f...
When the Bishop of Girona falls ill, Isaac must attend to him, causing the postponement of his daughter's wedding ceremony. While waiting, Daniel, her betrothed, journeys to the seaport of Sant Feliu de Guixols to negotiate for rare materials on beha...