Follows a thirtyish graduate who unexpectedly finds herself helping a celebrity biographer research the life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, and ends up discovering surprising parallels between her own life and that of the queen of Camelot...
When her family's software company is suddenly threatened by bankruptcy, Lucy Crocker, a former children's librarian and computer-clueless mom, comes up with the idea for an action-packed computer game called "Maiden's Quest."...
Just as Jay Gatsby was haunted by Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fizgerald was haunted by his own great first love -- a Chicago socialite named Ginevra. Alluring, capricious, and ultimately unavailable, she would become his first muse...
For her graduation from high school in 1920, Frankie Pratt receives a scrapbook and her father's old Corona typewriter. Despite Frankie's dreams of becoming a writer, she must forgo a college scholarship to help her widowed mother. But when a mysteri...
The Tottenham family is falling apart. There is no money to maintain the crumbling house and farm in County Westmeath, so decisions have to be made. Brothers Nick and Tony, with no prospect of a future in rural Ireland, make the long journey to their...
A World War II love story, narrated through a new bride’s dazzling array of vintage postcards, newspaper clippings, photographs, and more Lila Jerome has never been very lucky in love, and has always been more interested in studying architecture...