Fourteen-year-old Leah's loyalty and devotion to her emotionally troubled friend, Tamara, brings into focus some of her conflicting feelings about her mother's imminent remarriage and her own growing attachment to a young Mexican American, the nephew...
Buoyant, poignant, absorbingly real, Carol Dines writes with humor and unflinching insight in six stories and a novella that capture many voices, among them Lise, 15, whose Dad's marriages mean too many mothers; Wes, who escapes the eyes of his small...
ANGELICA VOGLIA HAS THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL.... But in seventeenth-century Rome, her talent is considered downright sinful. The pope has forbidden women to sing in public, so the gifted seventeen-year-old is forced to hide behind her shuttered windo...
These stories explore the complexities of contemporary family life with a fine balance of humor and insight. This Distance We Call Love takes its title from the interwoven themes of connection and disconnection in our most intimate relationships: sis...
A really good story about the very complex world of trying to find out who you really are.-Judith Katz, author of The Escape Artist and Running Fiercely Toward A High Thin Sound.On the second day of ninth grade, introverted Frances meets Sonja, a wil...