Mother Lode is a psychological mystery set in a Michigan mining town at the turn of the 20th century. Sheriff Foster tries to uncover the mysterious death of a town woman whose nineteen year old son is in jail as a suspect. What he discovers is shock...
What happened in the 1913 miners’ strike in Michigan? Did Labor win, or did Management hold out? In this intimate tale of a divided family, we learn the feelings of each. We learn how important Big Annie was to the movement of fair labor, and what ...
It’s Sausalito in the sixties. Poets, painters and philosophers dot this artsy town, and a community of people living on derelict houseboats. The river rats (as they were sometimes called) vs. the hill people continue an ongoing battle. Filled with...
A SLEUTH IN THE HAVEN follows Gwen Harris through another series of frightening experiences. Now working as a junior reporter for the Chronicle newspaper, she longs to write about the real news. She gets her chance, as bizarre and fatal events thr...
What happens when Penny is disappointed that her family can't afford a Christmas tree because the father is out of work? Fortunately, her teacher gives her the classroom tree just before vacation. Penny is determined to get the tree home through the ...
A Sleuth in The Summer of Love follows Gwen Harris, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle in 1967 as she covers the phenomenon known as The Summer of Love. Immersing herself in the atmosphere of the Haight district, where thousands ...
What happens when a boy doesn't get to go on a cruise with his parents? Watching a video, he sees all the things kids can do on this big ship, and then his imagination takes off. Oh, the adventures he has as a pirate, a scientist and Superm...
What happens when a Dragon comes to the village? Are people glad to see him? No, they are afraid. Do they need to be afraid? He is really very gentle and just wants to make friends. The Dragon tries over and over again to get in the village, but the ...