Carl Macek, the man who brought the ROBOTECH phenomenon to the United States, tells the story of THE SENTINELS, the television series that was to take over where ROBOTECH left off. Here is not only the story of what happened to the series, but a weal...
When an alien vessel crashes into the Earth in the late twentieth century, carrying with it the advanced technology called Robotech, humans learn that they are not alone in the universe, and Earth governments respond....
Just prior to WWII, a publicly-humiliated Air Force test pilot, court-martialed for a stunt that endangered President Roosevelt, takesthe only job he can get: flying an experimental plane from the South to North poles. When his plane is attacked and ...
A new series of huge books collecting classic Robotech comic material.
The Robotech animated series is legendary - and now you can immerse yourself in the classic comics which recreated the legends....
A new series of huge books collecting classic Robotech comic material!
An alien ship crashes into the Earth - and humans use the ship's technology to improve their own - in leaps and bounds. Years later, the alien race attacks Earth - but can ...