"A clever blend of family conflict, superstition, and exciting sports action. Adolescent readers will empathize with the mind games Joe plays as he struggles for...independence; teachers will delight in the literary references...and librarians will p...
In his senior year of high school, late bloomer Ryan Ward has just begun to feel the magic of baseball - the magic of catching a wicked slider, of throwing a runner out, of training hard and playing hard and pushing his limits. Giving up baseball wou...
Nick Abbott and Trent Dawson have nothing in common but basketball. It's sophomore year and Nick is trying to deal with his parents' divorce. He also really wants to be a star on the basketball team. Trent, his neighbor, is angry, and aggressive. The...
Jimmy Winter is a born star on the baseball field, and Seth Barnam can only dream of being as talented. Still, the two baseball fanatics have the kind of friendship that should last forever. But when Seth experiences an unthinkable loss, he's force...
Through the eyes of a distinctly non-athletic protagonist -- a fat high school journalist named Mitch -- veteran sports novelist Deuker reveals the surprising truth behind a mysterious football player named Angel. When Angel shows up Lincoln High, h...
In this riveting story about baseball and brotherhood, a boy from the wrong side of the tracks finds himself pitching his way out of poverty -- one strike at a time. Lazarus “Laz” Weathers has always been shy, and his issue with stuttering w...