In a bizarre series of events, English solicitor Richard Thurgo borrows the identity of a German soldier and sets off to seek his fortune in war-ravaged Germany, leaving behind a wife and family who believe him to be dead. Reprint.
Fiction. Carey Harrison's panoramic new novel takes us from the deep caves of South-West France to the towering Lion Rock in Sri Lanka, and back again. Roland Watkins is an archaeologist who invents a new form of psychotherapy. It sweeps the world. H...
Novel, Book 4 of The Heart Beneath. Each book is free-standing, intended to be read separately. The quartet, acclaimed as 'rivetingly entertaining' in the UK Daily Telegraph and as 'work of near-demonic beauty' in the San Francisco Chronicle, follows...
'Runt' Rawlinson, a British assassin, is dropped by parachute into France during WWII, to kill a traitor to the Resistance. But have they given him the right man? Runt thinks not, and alerts his masters. But the message from London remains the same: ...