Straw Houses includes several seemingly ordinary yet touching stories, all told and presented through the boy Sang Sang’s point of view. They reveal not only the touching moments of human life, but also Sang Sang’s inner psychology. Here in th...
Set in China’s Jiangnan area in the early 1960s, The Straw House centers around ordinary village life and follows a young boy named Sang Sang. Within the seemingly simplistic life of everyday China emerge several interwoven, deeply moving storie...
Sunflower is an only child, and when her father is sent to the rural Cadre School, she has to go with him. Her father is an established artist from the city and finds his new life of physical labor and endless meetings exhausting. Sunflower is lonely...
Follow the moving journey of a lone leopard in his search to find other leopards. Along his journey, he meets other creatures, constantly questioning whether he is the last leopard in the world. His wish is, in part, granted when he finally sees anot...
In the middle of a great big river, there stands a single wooden post. It is a seemingly useless piece of wood, because the lone post cannot form a bridge by itself. Day after day, the wooden post longs to have friends and to be free. Instead, it is ...
11/02/2020The team behind Feather follows a butterfly that pursues its goal with determination, seeking flowers—“To a butterfly, a field of flowers is the most beautiful thing in the world”—to no avail. Mello illustrates with ...
A 2023 Batchelder Honor Book From acclaimed Chinese author Cao Wenxuan, recipient of the Hans Christian Andersen Award, comes a compelling family saga spanning fifty years and three generations. Ah-Mei and her French grandmother, Nainai, share a rar...
Although Cao has tried many themes, morality, the appreciation of beauty, and compassion have remained the three main areas of his writing. The Red Tiles is a collection of Cao’s latest short stories. In these stories, he writes beautifully abo...