Lucy Morrigan, a young genetic researcher, lives with her boyfriend, Gray, and an odd collection of tenants in her crumbling family mansion. Surrounded by four generations of clothes, photographs, furniture, and other remnants of past lives, Lucy and...
Evelyn Harbinger sees nothing wrong with a one-night stand. At 149 years old, Eve may look like she bakes oatmeal cookies in the afternoon and dozes in her rocking chair in the evening, but once the gray hair and wrinkles are traded for jet-black tre...
When Nora meets Magnus, the new coroner for the city of Philadelphia and her uncle Charley's old college chum, she begins to imagine a life beyond keeping house for Charley and his children. Magnus's sister Annabel seems overjoyed at the prospect of ...
Maren Yearly is a young woman who wants the same things we all do. She wants to be someone people admire and respect. She wants to be loved. But her secret, shameful needs have forced her into exile. She hates herself for the bad thing she does, for ...
When visiting Ballymorris in Ireland for a funeral, a down-on-his-luck American reporter learns of a story that happened only months after his last visit many years before. A group of four teenagers, three of whom are family friends, claimed to have ...
Discover the middle-grade debut Kirkus Reviews calls “spellbinding” by an award-winning author Booklist says “has crafted a definite winner.”Josie and Alec both live at 444 Sparrow Street. They sleep in the same room, but they’ve never laid...