A short but thrilling children's adventure story. Set in the Kingdom of Jardevia, this story follows the adventures of the Royal Gartheiser family. Why has the king's son gone missing and where is the magic royal ring?...
Following the death of his grandfather, young Alex Mackay discovers a mysterious photograph in the old man's belongings that sets him on an adventure like no other - where dreams and reality merge, family secrets are laid bare, and lives are irrevoca...
Zediam is falling apart. The country’s people are spread across the land, constantly fighting each other for territory and goods. Much more is at stake when the Kafkae arrive, with a force made to crush continents. The people of Zediam will need mo...
Barbara Gordon’s ready for a fresh start. She’s packing her bags, crossing the bridge, and heading to Gotham’s coolest neighborhood: Burnside. And when a freak fire burns up her costume and gear, Babs has the chance to become a whole new Batgir...
All-star creative team Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher and Babs Tarr continue their fan-favorite run in BATGIRL: FAMILY BUSINESS, featuring guest-appearances by Dick Grayson, Batwoman, Spoiler, the students of Gotham Academy and more! Over the pas...
THE BATTLE FOR BURNSIDE IS ON! She rides a cool motorcycle, swings a mean right hook, and has backup from the best crime-fighters in the biz, but Batgirl’s greatest weapon has always been her mind. As the brilliant Barbara Gordon, she’s on the ...
Outstanding short stories from the 20 writers from around the world shortlisted for the 2019 Bristol Short Story Prize....
Witness the rise and fall of a new Assassin in Russia in this collection of Assassin's Creed The Fall and Assassin's Creed The Chain. NOTHING IS TRUE, EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED.
Since the dawn of human civilization, the Brotherhood of Assassins ...