Kitari ‘Kiti’ Dolana wants justice for her murdered brother. She’s trailed the man responsible to a distant planet where swords outmaneuver blasters. Garrick Marcus, Spaceship Captain, is on a mission to hunt down a ruthless killer. The same ma...
The Centauri Series, all three books in one magnificent volume of sci-fi romance. Enjoy the adventures of Audra, Darius, Lara, Anton, Kiti and Garrick as they fight for right and learn that love is the greatest gift of all....
Lara Danexx suffered years of torment at the hands of the evil and twisted Ranzon Slavarien. But she escaped and raised an army of rebels to destroy him. Victory is within her grasp when an unwelcome intruder hunts her down and spins wild tales of he...
Audra is a normal grad student in law school in Boulder, Colorado. Until the day she finds out she isn't. She's a princess from the planet Centauri. Her mission, whether or not she chooses to accept it, is to marry an alien and save the world, in ord...
SWORDS AND BLASTERS â€" Two complete sci-fi romance series in one box set, The CENTAURI Series and THE SWORDS OF GREGARA series.In the CENTAURI SERIES we have:CENTAURI DAWN â€" Meet Audra and Darius. She’s a princess and he’s her knight in shinin...