This is a unique and poignant love story of two very special people living under assumed identities for different reasons; and also a thriller chasing the intriguing tentacles of espionage activities and the untold stories behind political assassinat...
Birds That Fly Ahead is the English translation of the Malayalam novel "Munpe Parakkuna Pakshikal." It presents many an untold part of the left-extremist upsurge that took place in India four decades back and the way it has influenced the fabric of l...
How much can a woman take without breaking down? A great lot more than ever imagined is what this book portrays. Most epics and, later, classical works of literature have women made to walk on fire, but Anuradha lives in a veritable inferno. At criti...
This is the first major Malayalam novel in the 'Novel Navakam' series of C. Radhakrishnan. There is no work that explores the roots of Kerala's culture as this book does. Tradition and variations that mark interactions of successive generations have ...
Malayalam book - Munpeparakkunna Pakshikal The wide spectrum of actions for social correction investigated on against the backdrop of ultra-left upsurge of the seventies. The book presents many an untold part of the left-extremist upsurge that took p...
This work brings into the reader's heart a few drops of subtle emotions gathered during life's flow from the source to the vast ocean. Portrayed are the socio-cultural and politico-economic transformations in Kerala during the second half of the last...
Modern Science Fiction novel based on Eastern Philosophy. English Translation of Ullil Ullath.A young couple on their scientific research is about to make a huge breakthrough - a revolutionary technology that could benefit humankind as never before a...