Be careful what you wish for - wishes can come true, as Hugh Gallagher discovers when the girl of his dreams, the incomparable Selina Beri, comes seeking his expertise on a piece of technology she needs to understand for her last final exam. Can Hugh...
Wil Litang, first mate of the tramp freighter Lost Star, reluctantly accepts the job as acting captain for a voyage, replacing the dying Captain Miccall. Unknown to him, the Lost Star has a mysterious and dangerous past. A past that has caught up wit...
The adventures and misadventures of Captain Wil Litang continue in this second and concluding volume of The Lost Star. Litang finds himself shipwrecked along with his nemesis, the St Bleyth assassin, Naylea Cin in the Archipelago of the Tenth Star. A...
A young physicist is dispatched to a remote Scottish estate to secretly decipher the fragments of a manuscript that may hold the key to restoring the solar storm ravaged 21st century. Once there he finds whispers of a reincarnated wizard, strange for...
No good deed goes unpunished.When the son of the ruler of the Empire of Azere, Lefe Sol, is told, to his dismay, that he is to marry the eccentric fourth daughter of the Empress of Jasmyne, his friend, Kel Cam, offers to stand by and help him meet th...
Be good.Or some dark night the sorcerers of Vente may come for you. On the islands of the Tropic Sea, parents caution naughty children to behave, or risk that some dark night the sorcerers of the Vente Islands might to carry them off. The fate of the...
The best laid plans gang aft agley as Robert Burns noted. As did the hopes of Sella, Lessie, the Meys, and Taef Lang.The Prisoner of Cimlye, a novel of some 54,000 words, is the sequel to Sailing to Redoubt. It takes up the story of Sella, Lessie, an...
I signed aboard the Tzaritsa Moon as her second engineer. I ended up a toaster repairman. I was very lucky. – Rafe d'Mere, from The Secret of the Tzaritsa Moon.The Secret of the Tzaritsa Moon marks the long awaited return to the Nine Star Nebul...
The small resort town of Pine Cove has its little secrets. And one very dangerous one. It takes Patrol Lieutenant JG Intelligence Analyst Vaun Di Ai to discover the dangerous one. It would.In The Secrets of Valsummer House, sequel to The Secret of th...
I'd like to believe that I can take the rough with the smooth. I didn't complain about the hundred petty inconveniences of the Iron Kingdom. Not too much. It was the werewolves, super-humans, and mad scientists who haunt...
It was supposed to be a quiet night. It was anything but. Riel Dunbar grew up and, for many years, sailed out of the little moon of Isvalar – the interstellar port of Aeroday. But the restless life of a starfarer eventually carri...
It is always the captain's fault. So when a shipping container is offloaded to the wrong lighter – hijacked by the local crime syndicate – Captain Sing of the Rendezvous Moon knew she's be blamed, even though they had followed all the pro...
The red 8:25 tram crossed Crane House Lane and disappeared behind Villiers House, sealing my fate. I'd be late for work. I slowed to a walk and took another bite of toast. I found I didn't care. It was that kind of day. – Henri Hardy, The Girl ...
Taef Lang must set out on his grand quest…… To find a job. Now a married man, the time has come for Taef to begin his long-delayed career as a professor of Island archaeology and/or Island history. To do so, he and Lessie, alon...
Are you weary of long, dark, and grim fantasy epics? Tired of evil priests, ruthless kings, sinister queens, knaves, and scoundrels—intricate palace intrigues and endless wars? Are you jaded by blood-soaked tomes of battle after battle, death a...
A SHORT STORY of some 4,000 words, with illustrations, written to be read by a grownup for a child.Young Roy Williams liked to look down from his bedroom window on to the front yard, with its neat, precise lines made by the wheels of a lawnmower his ...