A year has passed since Max Martin’s life went from normal to extraordinary after he and his three best friends discovered magical stones that granted them access to Monolitho. After a long summer, Max is anxious to return for his second year at...
Baseball, bike rides, and frosty colas help pass the summer, but not quickly enough for Max Martin and his friends. Finally, they return to Monolitho for their third year at the Academy for Stone Holders. As Axials, they have GIMM Ball tryouts and...
Max Martin is gearing up for his last year as an Axial at the Monolitho Academy for Stone Holders. However, before the school year begins, Dean Bowdine presents an opportunity that changes the dynamic of how Max, and his friends, live their lives....
Max Martin and his friends have finally achieved Provectus status at the Monolitho Academy for Stone Holders. Their sixth year promises many changes, along with a competitive GIMM Ball season. As Max takes on his most challenging year yet, the mis...