'Suddenly out of the darkness, out of the night, there swooped something with a swish like an aeroplane. The whole group of us were covered for an instant by a canopy of leathery wings, and I had a momentary vision of a long, snake-like neck, a fierc...
'A strange twilight world opened up before me, and I felt as the first man to set foot on another planet, an intruder in this mystic garden of the deep.'When Professor Aronnax embarks on daring mission to hunt down and destroy a mysterious sea creatu...
"Comics superstars Bryan Hitch and Tony S. Daniel join a league of talented artists in JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE REBIRTH DELUXE EDITION BOOK ONE! Exploding from the pages of the blockbuster DC Universe Rebirth event, this deluxe edition collects the first ...
Bryan Hitch makes his triumphant return to DC Entertainment with the world's most powerful heroes, the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA! It's massive widescreen action and adventure from superstar writer/artist Hitch, as the League comes up against an arma...
The Rebirth of the Justice League continues as Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, the Flash and the newest Green Lanterns go toe-to-toe with such challengers as Maxwell Lord, the Suicide Squad, hostile alien hives, zombie armies and�most dangerous of ...
The epic Rebirth-era adventures of the World's Greatest Superheroes continues here, as Bryan Hitch delivers JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE REBIRTH DELUXE EDITION BOOK 3! The Justice League is dead...or worse. It's 22 years in the future, and Earth is a waste...
The Justice League are dead. Manhattan is destroyed. And, somehow, it�s all Flash�s fault. A mysterious attacker with a mega-powerful weapon keeps targeting the Flash and those around him, blaming Flash for his family�s death. Every time Fla...
The Justice League is dead...or worse. It�s 22 years in the future, and Earth is a wasteland, crushed under the heel of a dread goddess known only as Sovereign. But the world�s greatest heroes have left one thing behind that can save the world. ...