A rhyming story follows the adventures of young Pig, who uses his imagination to place himself in the roles of a seafaring captain on a sailboat, an aviator in a high-flying airplane, and a treasure hunter who seeks his fortune....
Charlie Muttnik is the pup with the pencil, the mutt with the marker, the dog with the drawing pad, the chap with the chalk! He draws all the time. But when Charlie doodles all over his homework, there's trouble at school. It's only when his stric...
Magic School Bus illustrator Bruce Degen tells the story of a little boy who discovers there's more to his bed than meets the eye....
"Go to bed.""No.""I said BED.""I said NO!"Mom eventually wins this argument, but even after her son is all tucked in, his opinion hasn't changed. "Bed is boring," he whispers to his teddy bear. Teddy, however disagrees. "This bed is GOOD," he says. "...
Now early readers can take a ride on the Magic School Bus! With the help of Ms. Frizzle, young readers can develop their reading skills while they pick up fun facts about the world's ocean. Ms. Frizzle's class will teach you everything you ever wa...
Nate loves skateboarding, but Kate prefers making hats. "I hate to skate," she tells Nate. "Do you like my hat?" Unimpressed, Nate retorts "I hate that hat." Kate's feelings are hurt―so she ignores Nate as he falls. Now that Nate is hurt and sad, t...
While walking in the forest, a little boy meets a big lovable bear that takes him on a delicious berry-picking adventure in the magical world of Berryland, in a read-along book-and-cassette package. Read by Peter Lerangis....