This powerful and inspirational novel follows the lives of an African-American family living in Chicago's crime-ridden South Side, where they, caught in the middle of a dangerous war of drugs, sex, and corruption, must learn how to survive on their o...
Sarah West takes a temporary job at her father's South Carolina steel mill the summer before college, hoping for relief from the chaos of her psychotic and often institutionalized monther. But from the first day of June to the waning days of August, ...
Marx Thoreau, an FBI sketch artist and son of infamous serial killer Donald Bath, tries to help authorities identify the remains of a teenage girl found dead near the haunted barn of his childhood home... the place where he first learned of his fathe...
For two millennia, the church has pointed its finger at a lost and hurting world and repeated the words of Christ, “You must be born again.” Join with me as I learn what that truly means....