The Godfather meets Daniel Woodrell in this Southern debut, a multigenerational saga of crime, family, and vengeance. Clayton Burroughs comes from a long line of outlaws. For generations, the Burroughs clan has made their home on Bull Mountain in...
Wife. Mother. Leader. In this stunning sophomore novel by the author of Bull Mountain, hell hath no fury like a woman. It’s been more than a year since a rogue government agent systematically crippled the Burroughs family’s criminal empire on ...
An eshort story introduces readers to Brian Panowich's brutal, mesmerizing North Georgia landscape, in preparation for Like Lions (4/30/19)."No king lives forever, and Gareth was getting old."Enter the world of Brian Panowich, where Gareth Burrough...
MARILYN STASIO, THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW â€" ONE OF THE 10 BEST CRIME NOVELS OF THE YEAR "The plotting is skilled, as is the sleuthing, and the landscape is stunning. But it’s the hard-jawed characters, with their tough talk and scarred souls...
With lyrical prose and hard-hitting depictions of the hardscrabble life in the rural south, Brian Panowich, author of Bull Mountain, Like Lions, and Hard Cash Valley, delivers a gripping new chapter in his tales of McFalls County in Nothing But the B...