In 1986, the magical fantasy movie Labyrinth introduced the world to a set of unforgettable goblins from the minds of Jim Henson and Brian Froud. Not only has the film become a classic with a huge cult following, but Brian Froud?s long out- of-print ...
"Once upon a time, I thought faeries lived only in books, old folktales, and the past. That was before they burst upon my life as vibrant, luminous beings, permeating my art and my everyday existence, causing glorious havoc...."
In the long-await...
The Great Conjunction is at hand in this dramatic second volume of Archaia and The Jim Henson Company's trilogy of prequel graphic novels that tell the origin of The Dark Crystal. Aughra, the beloved guardian of Thra, has gone into hiding, while her ...
The complete prequel trilogy to Jim Henson’s cult classic fantasy film The Dark Crystal, with a story by the film’s original concept designer, Brian Froud. Brian Froud, legendary conceptual designer of the beloved Jim Henson fantasy film The Dar...
Return to the world of faerie with the revised and expanded edition of Brian Froud’s acclaimed magnum opus, featuring paintings, watercolors, and drawings never before seen by the general public.Drawing inspiration from the gnarled shrubbery of Eng...
The complete prequel trilogy to Jim Henson’s cult classic fantasy film The Dark Crystal, with a story by the film’s original concept designer, Brian Froud.Paperback Edition. Brian Froud, legendary conceptual designer of the beloved Jim Henson fa...