A stirring tale of rousing old-fashioned adventure, THE DAGGER QUICK is the story of twelve-year-old Christopher, a boy with a clubfoot seemingly doomed to follow in the boring footsteps of his father as a cooper in 17th century England. That is, unt...
On the high seas of the Caribbean in the 1600s, a twelve-year-old boy, Kitto, stands wrongly accused of his father's murder and is forced into adulthood too quickly as he tries to prove his innocence. After a brutal shark attack, Kitto must take refu...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Brian Eames has published 2 books.
Brian Eames does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Dagger X, was published in November 2013.
The first book by Brian Eames, The Dagger Quick, was published in May 2011.