Lethal Rage follows the journey of Jack Warren, a young Toronto police officer, as he enters the dangerous streets of downtown’s 51 Division. Accustomed to the white-bread policing of his previous division, Jack is staggered when he first arrive...
"Canadian policeman Pilkey writes from firsthand experience in his gritty procedural debut . . . ” -- Publishers Weekly on Lethal Rage Transferred to 53 Division -- known as the "Sleepy Hollow of Toronto” -- after the murder of his ...
Dangerous, authentic, and gripping -- the latest police thriller in the Rage Mystery series A predator is stalking the streets of downtown Toronto. Haunted by a tortured past, he preys upon sex workers, leaving carnage in his wake. Officer Jack...
“Shots fired! Shots fired!”The frantic cry goes over the police radio on a rainy night in downtown Toronto. A man, black and unarmed, has been gunned down by a white officer, setting the residents of Regent Park against the cops of 51 Division....
A killer is stalking the streets of Toronto. Unseen, unsuspected, he takes his victims as hepleases, intent on creating a legacy of blood and death. Invisible to the police and media, his bloodlustis unstoppable.Officer Jack Warren is a broken man, f...