In a world ravaged by nuclear war, those who survive must change; for better or worse is up to them. Follow the story of John Lincoln whose life takes an unbelievable turn when at the age of fourteen, he is separated from his parents and ten years la...
In a magical world, split in two from past wars between powers most of the world doesn't even know exist, let alone understand, how can a poor farmer boy with no magical talent ever hope to succeed in a school for gifted, upcoming magicians, while al...
Lost memories of a person she can't remember. Past friends, new enemies. New friends, old enemies. Past and present clash in the continuation of Kaliana Smith's story. Sanction 7 seems to be defeated, but what lies in waiting?...
Follow John Lincoln, who emerges in a new world, torn apart by nuclear war. After meeting a group of survivors, he feels his fate may change. He may not be alone in the end. However this new world is not a peaceful place. Bandits - mutated monstrosit...