In an alternate America where one test determines your worth, Ivan failed...
Five years after the Prism Test made Ivan a Red slave, the world now knows him as Coyote, a masked rebel devoted to protecting his fellow Reds and destroying the People...
No matter who rules, crimson reigns.
Ivan's story continues in the action packed sequel to The Fractured Prism.
The King is dead, and a void now sits at the heart of the monarchy. Ivan ended the Preus family's coup and disabled the government's s...
One rider's journey will save his tribe or end it forever.Andrij has guarded the cold slopes of Perun's Crown for years. Though he longs for home, his service pays for his father's debts to the Astiwie king. He just needs his chance to earn his freed...
A warrior shrouded in darkness. A witch sworn to revenge. A winter unbounded.Cursed. Waclaw has a secret. In the day, he fights desperately to prove himself to the father who rejected him, but when he sleeps, his soul rises, invisible and free. A use...
Salvation does not come without sacrifice.Rise. Otylia will never forget the betrayer's blade slicing across her throat. Nor will she forgive.Trapped by Weles in the underworld of Nawia, she is further from Waclaw and Dziewanna than ever. The Trials ...
Fight your darkness. Or embrace it.Reborn. Otylia's time in Nawia granted her great power and even greater questions. After years of following her goddesses' commands, her path is now her own. But she doubts her decisions at every turn.She'd anticipa...
A fallen goddess cursed for eternity.An undying sorceress sworn to slay her.Only one can be The Lady of Rolika.Kostroma once held the earth in her grasp. But that time has long passed. Cursed because of the gods' lies, she's spent lifetimes clawing b...
Death claims the living realm.Scarred by the demon's influence, Wacław cannot forget the horror he caused in Vastroth. He knows he must be strong to face Koschei and the Frostmarked Horde, but powerful magic protects the deathless sorcerer. Wi...
Spirits haunt the realm of Zekiaz. Flee them, fight them, or wield them. But they bow to no master.The upstart matriarch of a fallen house, Kasia Niezik has sworn to destroy the elusive Crimson Court who assassinated her father. They are near immorta...
The Queen of Death awaits.Chosen. Having defeated the Frostmarked Horde, Otylia and her mother turn to ending winter's lingering grip. But when Dziewanna's ritual locks her into holding back Marzanna's power in the living realm, she commands Otylia t...
A Crimson sun rises with the dawn.Thwarted by her rivals in the Crimson Court, Kasia Niezik finds herself at sea as she struggles to control her strange new Reaching. Armies march in the east as foes and friends alike seek to take advantage of the ch...