A passionate love story about a young couple struggling to overcome the difficulties in their courtship and keep the faith. Caught in the aftermath of the Civil War and laboring to earn a living from the land, Ralph Wade’s life is in turmoil. Ral...
Follow Your Heart is a poignant tale of a young couple's struggles to overcome difficulties during the early years of marriage in post Civil War Missouri. The novel tells about a love strong enough to survive the hard times with the cords of family ...
Inspirational historical fiction"As always, you make my every childhood Oregon Trail dream come true! Leann and Ralph's story is simply beautiful. The characters are amazing, each one with their own identity that is so recognizable. Well done!" ~ Jes...
Inspirational Scottish historical romance.A sweet romance blossoms amidst feuding and war. With her reputation at stake after being accused of practicing witchcraft and hated as a member of a rival clan, Maidie considers leaving Clan Munro and return...
Dashing Ralph Wade desires to marry the beautiful Leann, but her father, John Clark, is protective of his pretty daughter. He likes Ralph Wade; however, Ralph is a farmer, trying to make a living off the land after the Civil War. John knows first-han...