A black comedy narrated by the nine members of the Mackenzie dynasty, an American family coming of age, and falling apart in various Latin American countries as the father, Sam Mackenzie, continually re-locates to new embassy posts...
After the success of Living by Water, novelist and nature writer Brenda Peterson turns her eye on the nature in human nature. Her focus in mainly the feminine body -- of earth and women, of animals, human and nonhuman. Whether writing about whales or...
The bond between women can be as crucial and life affirming as the umbilical cord is to babies. Yet it is also a bond that has been misunderstood, feared, and deliberately severed in the shadow of patriarchal cultures. Drawing upon ancient myth, ...
“Brenda Peterson weaves a haunting love story into a fast-moving plot. Animal Heart is based on facts that are terrifyingly true, and it captures the exquisite beauty of a world that we are devastating and destroying, piece by piece. Please read it...
SEQUEL due out late summer, 2014! This YA fantasy romance novel is like The Hunger Games, set underwater in a future of rising seas, floating cities, and Flood Lands. The DROWNING WORLD is a haunting and mesmerizing story of two different people ...
From revered nature writer Brenda Peterson and told through striking and vibrant mixed-media collages by Caldecott Medalist Ed Young, Catastrophe by the Sea is a poignant story of redemption through empathy and compassion found in the most surprising...